Snap Throws to 1st and Throwing to 3rd Base - I have a couple of coaching points that I teach my catchers when making "snap throws" to first. My catchers will make a snap throw to first when it is called out of the dugout. If we feel that we can catch a runner off, we will try it. The first baseman must receive a perfect "tag-shot" throw to get a good solid swipe tag. Our catchers are expected to make a perfect throw. We do not allow our cathers to come up and throw. The catcher simply drops the left knee toward the bag, pivots the shoulders and makes a quick throw to the bag. The catcher will give the firstbaseman a "verbal" signal so that the 1st baseman knows to "bounce"off the bag to his defensive position and then go back to his proper recieving position as quickly as possible. If we have this on, the pitcher must be aware of it, and throw the ball away or slightly off the plate, outside. (to a RH batter).
Throwing to 3rd Base - The catcher will come out of the crouch position, take a short jab step with his right foot behind his left foot. This short, quick step should clear the right handed batter and put the catcher in the perfect position to make the throw.
Good Drill For Catchers - Our catchers warm-up with the team and then go immediately to the diamond to throw "corners". Sometimes our middle infielders also sprint to their receiving position to practice receiving and executing the tag. Most of the time we have 4 catchers throwing to each other. The receiving catcher receives and executes a tag at the plate. We work this drill with a catcher at each bag and the plate. They will throw 6 throws across the diamond with their receiving catcher. (as if throwing
to 2nd base) Next the catchers will practice making throw to 1st and 3rd.
A ball will be thrown 3 times around the diamond to their left, simulating a throw to 3rd, and then a ball is thrown 3 times around the diamond to their right, simulating a snap-throw to 1st base.
I hope these drills and tips are useful to you and your team. Good luck, til next time, Nick

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I welcome any comments or suggestions. If you have a question or a topic that you would like to read about, please leave a comment and I will try to address that topic as soon as I can. Good luck in the coming season!
Have a great day, Nick